La revista General Relativity and Gravitation ha publicado una colleción de artículos sobre la energía oscura: Special issue on dark energy. Algunos de ellos son antiguos, pero la lista refleja el estado del tema bastante bien:
- Editorial on the GRG special issue on dark energy, George Ellis, Hermann Nicolai, Ruth Durrer and Roy Maartens
- Supernovae and cosmology, Bruno Leibundgut
- Cosmology with galaxy correlations, Robert C. Nichol
- Is the evidence for dark energy secure?, Subir Sarkar
- Dark energy degeneracies in the background dynamics, Renée Hlozek, Marina Cortês, Chris Clarkson and Bruce Bassett
- Dark energy and dark gravity: theory overview, Ruth Durrer and Roy Maartens
- The dynamics of quintessence, the quintessence of dynamics, Eric V. Linder
- Extended theories of gravity and their cosmological and astrophysical applications, Salvatore Capozziello and Mauro Francaviglia
- The cosmological constant and dark energy in braneworlds, Kazuya Koyama
- Lemaitre–Tolman–Bondi model and accelerating expansion, Kari Enqvist
- Dark Energy from structure: a status report, Thomas Buchert
- Dark energy and gravity, T. Padmanabhan
- String cosmology: a review, Liam McAllister and Eva Silverstein
- The cosmological constant, Raphael Bousso
- The dark side of a patchwork universe, Martin Bojowald
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